Can a notary make a Will?
A BC Notary can make you a Will, yes.
Notaries in other jurisdictions might not be able to do so, but a BC Notary can, pursuant to section 18 of the Notaries Act.
Is there any kind of a Will a BC Notary can’t make?
BC notaries cannot make Wills that contain certain kinds of trusts, such as trusts for adult children, spousal trusts or disability trusts. These trusts are not as common as they once were, due to recent changes to the Income Tax Act. If you truly need (or want) a trust for one of these situations, we will refer you to a lawyer who specializes in drafting these kinds of trusts.
Can a BC Notary give me legal advice on my estate?
Yes, with respect to any aspect of the Wills they are able to draw.
Would a Will made by a BC Notary stand up in court?
Yes. BC Notaries are trained in the law around making and executing Wills, and we keep up to date with continuing education credits each year.
Contact us; we would be happy to help you make a Will.