Need some help with a legal issue, but you’re not sure who to ask?

In BC, you can use a notary public (often called a BC Notary, to distinguish them from notaries in other jurisdictions), or a lawyer, depending on the work you need help with.

In other jurisdictions a notary public may only be able to put you under oath, or certify something for you. In BC, notaries have a fairly wide range of powers, and can do much more for you.

Here is a summary of what BC Notaries and lawyers can do for you:

Service BC Notary BC Lawyer
certified true copy
statutory declarations
travel consent letters
“still alive” letters
Land Title documents from other provinces
standard Wills
Representation Agreements
Powers of Attorney
residential conveyancing
trust Wills
separation agreements
uncontested divorces
prenuptial agreements
incorporating a company
annual corporate records

We have both BC Notaries and lawyers available to help you with your legal needs. Call us today for an appointment.

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